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Christina Hesford is a hand weaver focusing on woven artwork for galleries, public, and private spaces.

Art that inspires... Me! with

Journal of a textile artist and hand weaver

A journal of art, news, events, reviews, and opinions from artist Christina Hesford.


Art that inspires... Me! with

Christina Hesford

My latest article for was about the 5 artists who have inspired and influenced me the most. Choosing only five artworks which I have found inspiring was quite a challenge. Narrowing the list down to works by these 5 artists, Susie MacMurray, Sachiko Abe, Adam Buick, David Nash, and Ptolemy Mann has been a wonderful opportunity for reflection, and also provided some surprising revelations. To find out about those revelations, head here

Which 5 artists would you choose? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Adam Buick, 'Veneration Bell'
David Nash, 'Ash Dome'
Ptolemy Mann, 'Chromatic Landscape Warm'
Sachiko Abe, 'Untitled'
Susie MacMurray, 'Promenade'